Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The International Dance Festival in Monaco - December 2004

The recently past year Monaco was the scene for the grand biennial Dance Forum. The event took place between 14 and 18 December 2004 and was held mostly at Grimaldi Forum. The four days unfolded on various levels:

Performances, Multimedia Forum, Dance on Screen, The ADvANCE Project, First Job Audition, Exhibitions - monographic and thematic ones, Karl Lagerfeld's photo exhibition, Rendez-vous - great opportunities open for the public to meet famous choreographers from all over the world. Most notable performances included Orfeo ed Euridice, by Emio Greco/PC and Opera North / Netherlands, UK and Fairy, by Jyrki Karttunen and Co / Finland, Henry Oguike Dance Company from the UK and Compania Maria Pages, a Spanish company that blends flamenco with contemporary jazz standards.

The ceremony of the 2004 Nijinsky Awards was held on December 18 at the Forum Grimaldi in Monte Carlo. The most coveted prizes were awarded to Nicolas Le Riche of the Ballet de l'Opera National de Paris and the Romanian performer Alina Cojocaru of the London Royal Ballet in the male and female dancer categories.

The multimedia forum constituted an innovative way to lead dance beyond boundaries of gravity and scenic space constraints, bonding new ties with other arts - music, film, visual arts.The multimedia projects reunited choreographers, stage designers, musicians, graphic artists etc. Three forms were accepted: software, live choregraphic pieces making use of numeric devices and choreographic installations.

There were 142 candidates from 29 countries. The SACD prize was awarded to the unfinished project "Donât ask the Blond" initiated by Cosmin Manolescu in collaboration with Kira Riikonen and Roberto Casarotto. The project reunites the collective work of choreographers and other artists from Finland, Italy and Romania and will be developed in 2005. The final show will be accompanied by visual and sonorous creations. Ten persons from the audience will be invited to take part in the performance each time. The premiere will be in Finland, in July 2005.

The section Dance on Screen was intended to offer to audiovisual producers and dance companies an opportunity to meet partners such as directors of festivals, theatre programmers, TV broadcasters, general and specialized media journalists with the view of future project development, promotion and marketing.

The results of the ADVANCE Project were presented at a conference during Monaco Dance Forum. This project was initiated three years ago by the International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers (IOTPD) aiming to improve the challenges met by the professional dancers when transitioning to a post-dance career.

On December 14 and 15, 100 pre-professional dancers selected from around the world had the opportunity to obtain their first full time contract on the First Job Audition. The audition consisted of one classical ballet class and a contemporary workshop with an invited choreographer. The First Job Audition ended with the Bursary Awards Ceremony which took place on December 16 at "Espace Karrement"(Grimaldi Forum) in the presence of H.R.H. Princess Caroline of Hanover.

Princess Caroline, who is president of the Monte Carlo Ballet, founded by Princess Grace, has worked hard to fulfil her mother's dream of making dance an essential part of Monaco's cultural life. The most important moments of the Forum, culminating with the Nijinsky Awards night at the Salle des Princes of the Grimaldi Forum, were marked by her presence.

The International Dance Festival in Monaco - December 2004

The recently past year Monaco was the scene for the grand biennial Dance Forum. The event took place between 14 and 18 December 2004 and was held mostly at Grimaldi Forum. The four days unfolded on various levels:

Performances, Multimedia Forum, Dance on Screen, The ADvANCE Project, First Job Audition, Exhibitions - monographic and thematic ones, Karl Lagerfeld's photo exhibition, Rendez-vous - great opportunities open for the public to meet famous choreographers from all over the world. Most notable performances included Orfeo ed Euridice, by Emio Greco/PC and Opera North / Netherlands, UK and Fairy, by Jyrki Karttunen and Co / Finland, Henry Oguike Dance Company from the UK and Compania Maria Pages, a Spanish company that blends flamenco with contemporary jazz standards.

The ceremony of the 2004 Nijinsky Awards was held on December 18 at the Forum Grimaldi in Monte Carlo. The most coveted prizes were awarded to Nicolas Le Riche of the Ballet de l'Opera National de Paris and the Romanian performer Alina Cojocaru of the London Royal Ballet in the male and female dancer categories.

The multimedia forum constituted an innovative way to lead dance beyond boundaries of gravity and scenic space constraints, bonding new ties with other arts - music, film, visual arts.The multimedia projects reunited choreographers, stage designers, musicians, graphic artists etc. Three forms were accepted: software, live choregraphic pieces making use of numeric devices and choreographic installations.

There were 142 candidates from 29 countries. The SACD prize was awarded to the unfinished project "Donât ask the Blond" initiated by Cosmin Manolescu in collaboration with Kira Riikonen and Roberto Casarotto. The project reunites the collective work of choreographers and other artists from Finland, Italy and Romania and will be developed in 2005. The final show will be accompanied by visual and sonorous creations. Ten persons from the audience will be invited to take part in the performance each time. The premiere will be in Finland, in July 2005.

The section Dance on Screen was intended to offer to audiovisual producers and dance companies an opportunity to meet partners such as directors of festivals, theatre programmers, TV broadcasters, general and specialized media journalists with the view of future project development, promotion and marketing.

The results of the ADVANCE Project were presented at a conference during Monaco Dance Forum. This project was initiated three years ago by the International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers (IOTPD) aiming to improve the challenges met by the professional dancers when transitioning to a post-dance career.

On December 14 and 15, 100 pre-professional dancers selected from around the world had the opportunity to obtain their first full time contract on the First Job Audition. The audition consisted of one classical ballet class and a contemporary workshop with an invited choreographer. The First Job Audition ended with the Bursary Awards Ceremony which took place on December 16 at "Espace Karrement"(Grimaldi Forum) in the presence of H.R.H. Princess Caroline of Hanover.

Princess Caroline, who is president of the Monte Carlo Ballet, founded by Princess Grace, has worked hard to fulfil her mother's dream of making dance an essential part of Monaco's cultural life. The most important moments of the Forum, culminating with the Nijinsky Awards night at the Salle des Princes of the Grimaldi Forum, were marked by her presence.

How to Choose Christmas Gifts for the Family

Choosing Christmas gifts for family can be great fun, but finding the right ones can also be a chore. In this article we give you some ideas and some tips on what to get for the more difficult to buy for person in your life.

If you're like me and love Christmas, then making sure that you get the right Christmas gifts for your family will be important to you. The problem is that finding just what you are looking for can sometimes be difficult.

I love everything about Christmas and tend to start preparations 6 months in advance with the home made Christmas cake, soaking the dried fruit in alcohol to give it that rich flavour and texture. It really gets me in the mood, but with my busy schedule I have to start early and write everything down, from food and drink, Christmas decorations and colour scheme, how many people for Christmas dinner to that all important special gift to suit the individual.

Having my home filled with people that I love during the festive holidays is everything that I need and more. Choosing the right gift is very important so here are my tips to help you on your way:

1. First of all you need to set yourself a budget as it can get very expensive if you don't. Although money may not be an issue.

2. Divide the amount into how many people you are buying gifts for.

3. Write down the names, age and sex of the individuals.

4. What is each individual interested in? (Gardening, computers, cars, baking, cooking, entertaining, fishing, clothes, astronomy, photography, reading, horse riding, keep fit, cinema, theatre etc etc) Whatever their interest there will be something out there for them. Sometimes it can be difficult to establish what interests some individuals so you may like buy something a bit more personalised.

Depending on your budget will determine what type of gift you buy. If your husband has a keen interest in computers you may want to buy the latest, top of the range lap top, if you can afford it. Or you could buy computer lessons or a computer book. If your son is interested in astronomy it doesn't mean that you have to buy a new telescope, you could buy a cheap second hand one, organise a trip to an astronomy centre or purchase a related book. Theatre and cinema tickets are a great gift idea for someone who enjoys the experience but doesn't go very often for what ever reason.

Slate is very much in fashion today from Black slate tableware, to personalised door, memorial plaques and special gift ideas. Whatever you choose, why not have a personal message of your choice engraved to make that extra special gift this Christmas.

What about aunty who loves entertaining and gardening. A black slate tiered cake stand especially for when having afternoon tea with friends, or for that special dinner party, slate table mats and coasters, a slate cheeseboard and accompanied candle holder to make it extra special. There's always that personalised plaque for the garden or photo frames.

There's so much to choose from so why not hand pick your chosen Black Slate table and gift ideas to make your Christmas presents unique and special.

Corrie ten Boom - The Roots of the Jerusalem Prayer Team

Corrie was a member of the ten Boom family who are devoted Christians who solely wants to serve the people as a way of worshipping the Lord. Anyone in need can go to their home and they'd welcome them with open arms. World War II broke out and the family of Corrie welcomed as many refuge as they can. The Nazis were hunting Jews and the ten Boom had been helping Jews who became fugitives. Overall, they had saved over 800 Jews from death camps of the Nazis. Casper ten Boom, the father, knew that by helping these people he in turn was risking his life and that of his family but this was how they wanted to live out their faith.

In 1944, they were betrayed by a secret police of the Nazis and their home was raided. The secret police set traps and captured several people who tried to go in the house. That night, they were able to catch more than 20 individuals and that includes Casper, Betsie and Corrie herself as well as her nephew Peter, and siblings Willem and Nollie. Fortunately, the Jews in the house managed to stay in hiding because of the secret hiding place behind the false wall.

Unfortunately, Casper died just 10 days after being imprisoned. Corrie ten Boom and Betsie had spent 10 grueling months from 1 prison to the next but they spent their time their sharing about the love of Jesus and they were able to convert several women into Christianity. Betsie died in the Ravensbruck concentration camp but Corrie lived.

Corrie ten Boom had received numerous awards for her family's dedication to help save as many people as they could during that time. Many tributes were offered for her and she even received the War Hero honor from Holland's very own queen.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team is following the tradition of the ten Boom's family of having prayer meetings for Israel's restoration and for peace in Jerusalem. Because of the great inspiration of the ten Boom's family and its effects to the members of the team, they launched the virtual museum where you can visit their house and their hiding place like you are actually there.

Now, the Jerusalem Prayer Team uses the power of the internet to get as many people as they can to join them in praying for Jerusalem. The Bible states that Jerusalem is the eternal covenant of God to His people. With war in Israel, they want to continue praying for peace in Israel and in Jerusalem.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a non-profit organization. Even though it's aimed for peace in Jerusalem, it is not at all funded by Israel. It gets its funding from the generous people who believe in their advocacy and willing to share their blessings to them. You can join them in their advocacy by simply signing up and pray daily for Jerusalem. They aim to get over 100,000 Americans praying daily for peace.

Unspectacularly Supernatural   Walking After Emptiness   

What Steps Should I Take When Injured at Work?

When doing a job, especially when you aren't on a work site that is particularly dangerous, like a clerk in a business office or as a gardener in a park, workers compensation is not something that may be on your mind a lot. But when something happens, an accident or workplace injury, then this topic quickly becomes important. But what should you do exactly? What are the steps to take when injured on the job?

The first thing to do of course is to remain calm and take care of the situation. If you are injured and require medical attention, then you should take care of that before anything else. Calling the emergency services and getting yourself to a hospital is the prudent course of action. You should always be seen by a doctor if you suspect anything may be wrong, and get a diagnosis by writing. This is especially important since you need proof of what kind of injury you sustained. Then, you should keep the bills for any medical expenses you may have, including the ambulance, emergency treatment, medications, and so on. This is also crucial since if; later on you file a claim and want reparation money through workers compensation for what happened; you need to have exact figures.

Once you are well enough to be on your feet and sent back home, then it's time to think about filing in a claim form. You should not wait for this step since the law includes deadlines. Workers compensation is strictly regulated by the State authorities and the rules are very specific on what should be done during the process. Your employer should be notified as soon as you're physically able to, and then the claim letter should be sent as early as you can. You need to include all the necessary documents in the initial paperwork to reduce the chances that it will be rejected. Be sure you inform yourself as to what you're covered for. Usually, you can get financial aid for your medical bills, your lost salary due to not being at work, and any other expenses directly related to the injury or workplace accident. Thanks to workers compensation, the employer has to cover you for these things as long as they occurred while directly related to your job description.

It's never fun to be in an accident, but at least if it happens while at work, you can rest assured that the financial part of the ordeal will be covered. This is true whether you're a construction worker, a fisherman or a clerk. Injuries can occur everywhere, regardless how dangerous your work environment is. That's why you need to have this basic information on what to do when these things happen, and how to handle the needed paperwork. That way if something does happen, you'll be prepared.

Can I Claim Workers Compensation And Social Security   Insurance For Early Retirees   

Good Low Carb Foods

Many people don't begin a low carb diet, or don't stay with it, simply because they can't find tasty choices that are also low in carbohydrates. Actually, there are many foods that can be used for meals, in recipes or for snacks, when you're trying to maintain a diet that is low in carbs. Consuming a variety of foods that are naturally low in carbohydrates will allow you to eat a healthy diet that's tasty and also good for you.

Everyone is unique, and the same foods won't work for everyone, but there are foods that are very popular on low carb diets, and you can tailor your recipes to suit your tastes. Fish is a popular staple on low carb diets. But you don't need to restrict yourself to just the well-known types. There are many good low carbohydrate foods, and fresh fish are a healthy part of your low carb diet that you should eat at least several times a week. The best fish for your diet may include orange roughy, Alaskan halibut, trout, wild caught salmon, sea bass, cod and mackerel. Shellfish are healthy low carb choices that are full of taste, too. They include scallops, crab, shrimp, oysters, clams and lobster.

Eggs and egg whites can be included as breakfast essentials or as ingredients in other meals. Free range eggs are often preferred in low carb diets. You're not limited to chicken eggs, either. You might wish to try quail or duck eggs, to keep your diet alive and different from one day to the next.

Red meat is an important staple in low carbohydrate diets, because it allows you to get enough protein for a healthy diet. Lamb is a good choice, as is venison or deer meat. Cattle that have been grass-fed will be a positive choice, as will buffalo or bison meat, as long as the animals were not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones.

Poultry can be included in many low carbohydrate recipes, to make them tasty. Consume only poultry that was never treated with antibiotics or hormones. Some of the most popular poultry choices are chicken, duck, goose and turkey. Wild bird meat is also on the list of good low carb foods that provide quality low carbohydrate recipe mainstays, so add pheasant, wild turkey and quail to your list.

You should include vegetables and fruits in any diet, too, so that you reap the rewards of their many vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables that are not starchy are the best for your diet, including collard greens and spinach. Good tasting vegetables to use for recipes and healthy snacks or salads include Romaine lettuce, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, turnip greens and celery. You can also add cabbage, zucchini, cilantro and mustard greens. Vegetable leaves and stems can help you to prepare healthy salads that are low in carbohydrates.

Fresh fruits are good choices, as parts of recipes or as snacks. Include fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and deduct any carb count from your allowance for each day. These do contain sugar and carbs, so they should be enjoyed sparingly.

Oils add omega fatty acids to your diet, so use them as desired in your recipes. Some of the best choices are extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed and canola oils. By using all these different good low carb foods, you can add good taste to your low carb, heart healthy diet.

Good Low Carb Foods

Many people don't begin a low carb diet, or don't stay with it, simply because they can't find tasty choices that are also low in carbohydrates. Actually, there are many foods that can be used for meals, in recipes or for snacks, when you're trying to maintain a diet that is low in carbs. Consuming a variety of foods that are naturally low in carbohydrates will allow you to eat a healthy diet that's tasty and also good for you.

Everyone is unique, and the same foods won't work for everyone, but there are foods that are very popular on low carb diets, and you can tailor your recipes to suit your tastes. Fish is a popular staple on low carb diets. But you don't need to restrict yourself to just the well-known types. There are many good low carbohydrate foods, and fresh fish are a healthy part of your low carb diet that you should eat at least several times a week. The best fish for your diet may include orange roughy, Alaskan halibut, trout, wild caught salmon, sea bass, cod and mackerel. Shellfish are healthy low carb choices that are full of taste, too. They include scallops, crab, shrimp, oysters, clams and lobster.

Eggs and egg whites can be included as breakfast essentials or as ingredients in other meals. Free range eggs are often preferred in low carb diets. You're not limited to chicken eggs, either. You might wish to try quail or duck eggs, to keep your diet alive and different from one day to the next.

Red meat is an important staple in low carbohydrate diets, because it allows you to get enough protein for a healthy diet. Lamb is a good choice, as is venison or deer meat. Cattle that have been grass-fed will be a positive choice, as will buffalo or bison meat, as long as the animals were not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones.

Poultry can be included in many low carbohydrate recipes, to make them tasty. Consume only poultry that was never treated with antibiotics or hormones. Some of the most popular poultry choices are chicken, duck, goose and turkey. Wild bird meat is also on the list of good low carb foods that provide quality low carbohydrate recipe mainstays, so add pheasant, wild turkey and quail to your list.

You should include vegetables and fruits in any diet, too, so that you reap the rewards of their many vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables that are not starchy are the best for your diet, including collard greens and spinach. Good tasting vegetables to use for recipes and healthy snacks or salads include Romaine lettuce, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, turnip greens and celery. You can also add cabbage, zucchini, cilantro and mustard greens. Vegetable leaves and stems can help you to prepare healthy salads that are low in carbohydrates.

Fresh fruits are good choices, as parts of recipes or as snacks. Include fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and deduct any carb count from your allowance for each day. These do contain sugar and carbs, so they should be enjoyed sparingly.

Oils add omega fatty acids to your diet, so use them as desired in your recipes. Some of the best choices are extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed and canola oils. By using all these different good low carb foods, you can add good taste to your low carb, heart healthy diet.

Good Low Carb Foods

Many people don't begin a low carb diet, or don't stay with it, simply because they can't find tasty choices that are also low in carbohydrates. Actually, there are many foods that can be used for meals, in recipes or for snacks, when you're trying to maintain a diet that is low in carbs. Consuming a variety of foods that are naturally low in carbohydrates will allow you to eat a healthy diet that's tasty and also good for you.

Everyone is unique, and the same foods won't work for everyone, but there are foods that are very popular on low carb diets, and you can tailor your recipes to suit your tastes. Fish is a popular staple on low carb diets. But you don't need to restrict yourself to just the well-known types. There are many good low carbohydrate foods, and fresh fish are a healthy part of your low carb diet that you should eat at least several times a week. The best fish for your diet may include orange roughy, Alaskan halibut, trout, wild caught salmon, sea bass, cod and mackerel. Shellfish are healthy low carb choices that are full of taste, too. They include scallops, crab, shrimp, oysters, clams and lobster.

Eggs and egg whites can be included as breakfast essentials or as ingredients in other meals. Free range eggs are often preferred in low carb diets. You're not limited to chicken eggs, either. You might wish to try quail or duck eggs, to keep your diet alive and different from one day to the next.

Red meat is an important staple in low carbohydrate diets, because it allows you to get enough protein for a healthy diet. Lamb is a good choice, as is venison or deer meat. Cattle that have been grass-fed will be a positive choice, as will buffalo or bison meat, as long as the animals were not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones.

Poultry can be included in many low carbohydrate recipes, to make them tasty. Consume only poultry that was never treated with antibiotics or hormones. Some of the most popular poultry choices are chicken, duck, goose and turkey. Wild bird meat is also on the list of good low carb foods that provide quality low carbohydrate recipe mainstays, so add pheasant, wild turkey and quail to your list.

You should include vegetables and fruits in any diet, too, so that you reap the rewards of their many vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables that are not starchy are the best for your diet, including collard greens and spinach. Good tasting vegetables to use for recipes and healthy snacks or salads include Romaine lettuce, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, turnip greens and celery. You can also add cabbage, zucchini, cilantro and mustard greens. Vegetable leaves and stems can help you to prepare healthy salads that are low in carbohydrates.

Fresh fruits are good choices, as parts of recipes or as snacks. Include fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and deduct any carb count from your allowance for each day. These do contain sugar and carbs, so they should be enjoyed sparingly.

Oils add omega fatty acids to your diet, so use them as desired in your recipes. Some of the best choices are extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed and canola oils. By using all these different good low carb foods, you can add good taste to your low carb, heart healthy diet.

Good Low Carb Foods

Many people don't begin a low carb diet, or don't stay with it, simply because they can't find tasty choices that are also low in carbohydrates. Actually, there are many foods that can be used for meals, in recipes or for snacks, when you're trying to maintain a diet that is low in carbs. Consuming a variety of foods that are naturally low in carbohydrates will allow you to eat a healthy diet that's tasty and also good for you.

Everyone is unique, and the same foods won't work for everyone, but there are foods that are very popular on low carb diets, and you can tailor your recipes to suit your tastes. Fish is a popular staple on low carb diets. But you don't need to restrict yourself to just the well-known types. There are many good low carbohydrate foods, and fresh fish are a healthy part of your low carb diet that you should eat at least several times a week. The best fish for your diet may include orange roughy, Alaskan halibut, trout, wild caught salmon, sea bass, cod and mackerel. Shellfish are healthy low carb choices that are full of taste, too. They include scallops, crab, shrimp, oysters, clams and lobster.

Eggs and egg whites can be included as breakfast essentials or as ingredients in other meals. Free range eggs are often preferred in low carb diets. You're not limited to chicken eggs, either. You might wish to try quail or duck eggs, to keep your diet alive and different from one day to the next.

Red meat is an important staple in low carbohydrate diets, because it allows you to get enough protein for a healthy diet. Lamb is a good choice, as is venison or deer meat. Cattle that have been grass-fed will be a positive choice, as will buffalo or bison meat, as long as the animals were not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones.

Poultry can be included in many low carbohydrate recipes, to make them tasty. Consume only poultry that was never treated with antibiotics or hormones. Some of the most popular poultry choices are chicken, duck, goose and turkey. Wild bird meat is also on the list of good low carb foods that provide quality low carbohydrate recipe mainstays, so add pheasant, wild turkey and quail to your list.

You should include vegetables and fruits in any diet, too, so that you reap the rewards of their many vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables that are not starchy are the best for your diet, including collard greens and spinach. Good tasting vegetables to use for recipes and healthy snacks or salads include Romaine lettuce, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, turnip greens and celery. You can also add cabbage, zucchini, cilantro and mustard greens. Vegetable leaves and stems can help you to prepare healthy salads that are low in carbohydrates.

Fresh fruits are good choices, as parts of recipes or as snacks. Include fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and deduct any carb count from your allowance for each day. These do contain sugar and carbs, so they should be enjoyed sparingly.

Oils add omega fatty acids to your diet, so use them as desired in your recipes. Some of the best choices are extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed and canola oils. By using all these different good low carb foods, you can add good taste to your low carb, heart healthy diet.

Good Low Carb Foods

Many people don't begin a low carb diet, or don't stay with it, simply because they can't find tasty choices that are also low in carbohydrates. Actually, there are many foods that can be used for meals, in recipes or for snacks, when you're trying to maintain a diet that is low in carbs. Consuming a variety of foods that are naturally low in carbohydrates will allow you to eat a healthy diet that's tasty and also good for you.

Everyone is unique, and the same foods won't work for everyone, but there are foods that are very popular on low carb diets, and you can tailor your recipes to suit your tastes. Fish is a popular staple on low carb diets. But you don't need to restrict yourself to just the well-known types. There are many good low carbohydrate foods, and fresh fish are a healthy part of your low carb diet that you should eat at least several times a week. The best fish for your diet may include orange roughy, Alaskan halibut, trout, wild caught salmon, sea bass, cod and mackerel. Shellfish are healthy low carb choices that are full of taste, too. They include scallops, crab, shrimp, oysters, clams and lobster.

Eggs and egg whites can be included as breakfast essentials or as ingredients in other meals. Free range eggs are often preferred in low carb diets. You're not limited to chicken eggs, either. You might wish to try quail or duck eggs, to keep your diet alive and different from one day to the next.

Red meat is an important staple in low carbohydrate diets, because it allows you to get enough protein for a healthy diet. Lamb is a good choice, as is venison or deer meat. Cattle that have been grass-fed will be a positive choice, as will buffalo or bison meat, as long as the animals were not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones.

Poultry can be included in many low carbohydrate recipes, to make them tasty. Consume only poultry that was never treated with antibiotics or hormones. Some of the most popular poultry choices are chicken, duck, goose and turkey. Wild bird meat is also on the list of good low carb foods that provide quality low carbohydrate recipe mainstays, so add pheasant, wild turkey and quail to your list.

You should include vegetables and fruits in any diet, too, so that you reap the rewards of their many vitamins and nutrients. Vegetables that are not starchy are the best for your diet, including collard greens and spinach. Good tasting vegetables to use for recipes and healthy snacks or salads include Romaine lettuce, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, mushrooms, turnip greens and celery. You can also add cabbage, zucchini, cilantro and mustard greens. Vegetable leaves and stems can help you to prepare healthy salads that are low in carbohydrates.

Fresh fruits are good choices, as parts of recipes or as snacks. Include fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and deduct any carb count from your allowance for each day. These do contain sugar and carbs, so they should be enjoyed sparingly.

Oils add omega fatty acids to your diet, so use them as desired in your recipes. Some of the best choices are extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed and canola oils. By using all these different good low carb foods, you can add good taste to your low carb, heart healthy diet.

Short Overview of the Most Popular Fruits for Smoothies

Smoothies are not only healthy but also delicious. The amount of minerals they consist of enchanted us. You can drink it without feeling guilty about this short moment of pleasure. How could you resist such a perfect drink?

One Fruit to Rule Them All

I've been questioned about this stuff time after time -- what is the best fruit to put into a smoothie? Is there such a fruit, which must always be included in smoothies we make?

I have to let you down, however -- there is no such thing. All of the fruits were made almost equal, some have more vitamins, other have more enzymes, but there aren't any better fruits or worse. It all comes down to your taste and your preferences. Just remember, that when you want to identify how nutritious a fruit is, everything depends upon how it is prepared. Here comes a description of the most famous fruits that are used to create smoothies.

The Most Famous Fruits

I reckon that no fruit's as popular as oranges. Oranges are not only the most favored fruit, but they're also amongst the most cherished ones. The truth is that they are both healthy and delightful. Oranges are full of magnesium, which is a chemical element that can help our organism sustain normal blood pressure. Therefore it's among the most healthy fruits in existence.

When conversing about delicious and famous fruits, strawberries need not to be forgotten. It would be a disgrace to leave them out not just because of their delightful taste, but additionally because they are equally nutritious as oranges. Strawberries are jam-packed with riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is accountable for body growth (crucial for children). This fruit is additionally really light and very delicious -- sweet and delicate.

As you probably know, bananas can easily be made into a smoothie and taken as is. However, the real reason why we like smoothies so much is because their taste is more complex. Bananas are very useful while preparing smoothies, because they add the extra thickness to the drink. In case you prefer your smoothie sweet, incorporating bananas may help you achieve that. Also, bananas contain tryptophan, a substance which makes people happier compared to what they usually are.

To Sum Up

What you should bear in mind at all times is that the beauty of a smoothie lies in its simplicity. If you try mixing up too many fruits, chances are you'll end up with a smoothie that is not only very complex, but also absolutely inedible. Each of the mentioned three fruits is a perfect base for a delightful, smart smoothie.

To make things interesting, don't settle for those 3 fruits only, test as frequently as you can. Bananas fit with honey, honey goes well with oats, oats and honey are exceptionally nutritious. Like just about anything else, preparing smoothies is something of an art; in order to make the perfect one you ought to learn a lot.

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